Update your Company
Are you eco-friendly? ZnO Biochemical offers sustainable cleaning with a range of professional cleaning products.

Update your habits
Our products don't just remove grime and enable the fast and efficient treatment of different types of surface, they also protect the health of the cleaning team, promote water-saving during their application and ensure the biodegradability of the resulting residue.

Make it an advantage
We disseminate ideas, practices and materials that inspire our customers and employees while supplying products and solutions that generate consistent and proven results in terms of their economic, social and environmental impact.

EDS = Ecodissolver
The Ecodissolver acts directly on pollutants, facilitating their biodegradation. This line is composed of biodegradable high-performance degreasers developed with the most up-to-date technology, high-quality raw materials and sustainable methods of production. Its active ingredient reacts with different types of grime, grease, fatty acids, organic compounds, hydrocarbons and other residues. Despite dealing with heavy cleaning, Ecodissolver respects the environment and the cleaning team‘s health!
Compliant and Registered:

Degreasing, cleaning and recovery of areas contaminated by a wide range of petroleum products, crude oil, light and heavy hydrocarbons, various types of grime and grease, fatty acids, organic compounds and harmful substances

Recovery of contaminated soil, decanted waste and decontamination of oil spill

Emergency response to harmful contamination, vapor suppression and odor control, tank cleaning and equipment decontamination

Various applications in surface preparation, adhesives, mechanical parts and industrial cleaning